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Enterprise eCommerce Leaders EMEA 2023

Un rapport approfondi (en anglais) sur plus de 3.500 entreprises de e-commerce dans la région EMEA.

  • EditeurStoryblok
  • Version PDF - 39 pages - 2023 - Anglais

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"After applying these, the total number of companies came to 3,583. While not every company’s data was fully complete, we compared available information to draw statistical conclusions.

It is important to note that this report looks exclusively at monolithic (also known as traditional) content management systems. Monolithic systems operate with a single backend and frontend which are tightly coupled. Headless systems, by contrast, rely on APIs, which allow users to freely connect to many different programs and frontends from a single centralized backend.

The reason this report focuses on monolithic systems in particular is that they still have the majority share of the CMS market despite being outdated. In our State of Content Mangement 2022 report, 50.21% of the 515 respondent sample opted for a monolithic CMS. Many eCommerce platforms still rely on them as well, making them a significant consideration in the CMS field as a whole."

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