14 147 Livres Blancs | 2 326 |

Don't fall foul of fraud at the World Cup

  • EditeurJumio
  • Version Pdf - 10 pages - Juin 2014 - Anglais

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Extrait du livre blanc : "Fraud at major sporting events is always a large problem and the FIFA World Cup in Brazil is no exception.

In 2010 when South Africa hosted the World Cup, fraud levels in the country rose by 53% during the tournament. What’s more, the three provinces that hosted the games accounted for 92.5% of total credit card fraud losses in South Africa for the entire year.

Jumio’s new whitepaper – Don’t Fall Foul of Fraud at the World Cup – illuminates the massive scale of fraud potential in Brazil while informing businesses how to both mitigate and combat the threat.

Although the World Cup lasts just four weeks, fraudsters, much like football teams, begin their preparation and build-up to the event years in advance – indeed over 33% of the Brazilian population has experienced card fraud over the past 5 years amounting to losses of over $150 million.

The consequences for business can be severe and if managed incorrectly an apparent boom in business can actually result in companies going bust."

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