14 966 Livres Blancs | 2 504 |

Basel IV reform – How to successfully implement the reform in the banking industry?

Réforme Bâle IV – Comment réussir la mise en place de cette réforme dans le secteur bancaire ?

  • EditeurQuanteam
  • Version PDF - 21 pages - 2020 - Anglais
Basel IV reform – How to successfully implement the reform in the banking industry?

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"The Basel IV reform provides the 4th edition of every risk reduction measure. Designed by the Basel Committee in order to reduce risks in the banking industry, the reform is sought through the CRD V Directive and transposed into the CRR II; together they form a proposal enabling the update of the European prudential framework.

The philosophy of the reform is to reduce flexibility given to banks in their measurement of risk and keep them from setting their own rules. Regulators and central banks were concerned about significant differences between banks in terms of how they calculated the risk. In order to fight against that, the BCBS recommends imposing limits on how the banks’ models can diverge towards more prudent calculations.

Here, I share with you my understanding of the reform while answering the questions asked in the Content page."

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