14 401 Livres Blancs | 2 404 |
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Les livres blancs de Artefact

Data Discovery

Data for Tourism

"As several countries in MENA and elsewhere strive to strengthen their positions as global tourism destinations and travel hubs, data analytics and intelligence have become crucial to establishing global presence and gai...

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CDP / Customer Data Platform

The rise of the Customer Data Platform in a cookieless world

"The data consulting specialist is gaining momentum and already has 1,000 employees in 15 countries, only 7 years after its creation. In a highly fragmented market, Artefact, a consulting firm specializing in data, stand...

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Numérique / Transformation digitale

Data Transformation for Business

"Artefact's team of experts, specialized in data transformation, share their field experience and precise observations through this well-documented report, rich in lessons learned and concrete use cases. Data Acc...

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Data Integration / Intégration des données

Data Governance

"Artefact's team of data consultants, specialised in data governance, has decided to share their experience in the field and their precise observations through this well-documented white paper, rich in lessons learned an...

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