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Travel Risk Management: keeping business travelers safe and secure

  • EditeurBCD travel
  • Version Pdf - 53 pages - Février 2015 - Anglais

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"Travel is a risky business. Whenever employees set foot outside their regular workplace, their exposure to security, safety or medical problems increases.

There are many reasons why, including:
• Business travelers usually stand out from the local population as different (and probably richer), making them a target for criminals and terrorists.
• They may be visiting unfamiliar places.
• They are often tired and/or jetlagged.
• They face more health risks outside their home environment.
• Flying and rail travel are relatively safe, but car travel (an element of most business trips) is not, especially if the traveler is doing the driving.

Hence there’s a good chance of an incident occurring during a trip. Examples include unrest at a destination, mugging/theft, car accidents, natural disasters and disease"

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