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Les livres blancs de Omniconvert

Livre blanc - The smart marketer's guide to Net Promoter Score  - Omniconvert
Avis client / consommateur

The smart marketer's guide to Net Promoter Score

"Before you can successfully create an optimization plan for your online business it is crucial to understand that customers are human beings, not simply users. They experience a collection of emotions that influence ...

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Livre blanc - eCommerce Growth Ideas for 2020 - Omniconvert
E-commerce B2B

eCommerce Growth Ideas for 2020

"The eCommerce landscape in 2020 looks challenging, to say the least: Amazon has captured 47% of the total online retail in the US; DNVBs are growing nearly 3x faster than the average e-commerce retailer; Browsers add...

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Livre blanc - 16 Inspiring Optimization Case Studies  - Omniconvert

16 Inspiring Optimization Case Studies

"Omniconvert helps businesses grow their conversion rates through unique, personalized experiences that win and retain more and better customers. With Omniconvert you get all the tools you need to create your own convers...

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Livre blanc - Customer Experience in Ecommerce - Omniconvert
Expérience client

Customer Experience in Ecommerce

"The above quote from a 1998 article in the Harvard Business Review by B. Joseph Pine II and James H. Gilmore, expressing their vision of the new concept of customer relationships, echoes the mantra for today’s market ...

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