"Mobile workers usages Being the aggregation of all working and often personal tools at once, the mobile device became the privileged media of workers. To make calls, consult emails, access corporate resources but als...
Voir le livre blanc >"The digitalization of services and expansion of remote working has heightened the number of off-premises users accessing cloud-based resources from their mobile device. In this configuration, every mobile device represe...
Voir le livre blanc >"Mobile banking is a 24/7 remote service offered by banks and financial institutions to their clients. It is delivered through mobile applications and allows to monitor account balances, follow transactions, make fund tr...
Voir le livre blanc >"La transformation numérique a créé un monde «cloud first» et «mobile first», augmentant considérablement la quantité de données mobiles transitant entre les appareils mobiles, les ordinateurs, les serveurs ......
Voir le livre blanc >