14 529 Livres Blancs | 2 425 |

The market for Digital Experience Services in Germany

Strategies, developments & trends for more customer centricity and digital experience from service provider and user perspective.

  • EditeurValtech
  • Version PDF - 87 pages - 2022 - Anglais
Livre blanc - The market for Digital Experience Services in Germany - Valtech

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"COVID-19 WAS THE STARTING SIGNAL FOR CUSTOMER CENTRICITY The relevance of the digital transformation has also seen an enormous rise in the B2B segment since the outbreak of the COVID-19 crisis. In fact, according to Lünendonk-Research, it is by far the most important strategy field in the period up until 2025 – besides equally important topics such as sustainability, innovations and growth.

The reason is obvious: During the COVID-19 pandemic, companies have experienced how not only efficiency and cost advantages can be reached by means of digitalization, but also how products can be sold, how transaction processing can be supported by integrated customer portals and platforms or how new forms of collaboration with other businesses can emerge under the definition of the digital platform economy."

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