14 109 Livres Blancs | 2 329 |

The rise of virtual learning

  • EditeurCegos
  • Version PDF - 17 pages - 2011 - Anglais

Introduction ou extrait du livre blanc

"This short white paper on virtual learning is part of series of white papers Cegos is producing on some of the most exciting learning trends in L&D today and follows a recent paper on ‘informal networks’.

The paper will also link in to a number of issues raised in the broader May 2010 white paper from Cegos - ‘Exploring and Interpreting the Most Important Learning Trends across the Globe’. If you are interested in Learning Management Systems and the latest technology systems to support virtual learning environments, this isn’t the paper for you.

This paper isn’t about the systems themselves, rather the virtual learning applications that are being used, how and with what impact. What this paper does is provide a broad snapshot of the corporate virtual learning market today, its origins, the market drivers which are pushing it forward, the different elements that make up virtual learning (some more established than others), and most importantly, what organisations can do to make sure they make full use of its potential."

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