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6 New Mindsets that are Changing the Travel Industry

The need for revitalization in the age of alternatives.

  • EditeurValtech
  • Version PDF - 35 pages - 2023 - Anglais

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"Those experiences require new business models and solutions to survive in a world full of competitive and situational disruptions. The key to success lies in understanding your guests’ needs, desires and preferences and having the ability to uniquely fulfill those needs in a way that no other brand can.

A redefinition of offerings The business traveler has an expense account and is governed by the customer they are serving. Travel plans were a cost of doing business, schedules based on meetings, corporate office or conference locations.

Leisure travel has different variables, costs are looked at closer, choices are more personal. Since the pandemic, travel mindsets are changing.

The lines between living, working and traveling are blurring. In this paper, we want to take the time to outline six new travel mindsets that are changing how people approach travel and provide perspectives on how to take advantage of the changing business environment."

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