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Livre blanc : L'analytique collaborative

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Livre blanc : L'analytique collaborative

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"In 1969, Donald T. Campbell proposed a model of science contending that science is most effective when researchers with expert knowledge in different areas collaborate on a project of overlapping interest. The overlap provides the common ground, while the respective areas of expertise increase the coverage of potential knowledge brought to bear on a specific question or topic.

The importance of collaboration has become apparent in modern business. In fact, 97 percent of employers and staff members believe that alignment within a team has a substantial impact on the outcome of a project or task. Other studies show that those who work collaboratively are 64 percent more persistent in completing a task, as well as more engaged, less fatigued, and more likely to achieve success.

Scientific research is not very different from analysis done by any organization with analytics tools. Users explore data in search of relationships, cause, and effect. And Campbell’s point about the benefits of collaboration between overlapping interests also applies.

Every organization has experts working in different areas on different overlapping problems – sales and marketing, accounting and finance, manufacturing and inventory. One area may be streamlining a process, while the other may be analyzing it looking for inefficiencies or areas in need of improvement. They could benefit from each other’s findings but, unfortunately, they aren’t working together, or even sharing data."

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