14 127 Livres Blancs | 2 326 |

Le Capital Project Management pour l'Immobilier et le FM

Ce livre blanc explique comment avoir la bonne approche avec le Capital Project Management pour assurer une livraison des mégaprojets dans les temps, dans le respect du budget et alignée sur son analyse de rentabilité.

  • EditeurPlanon
  • Version PDF - 10 pages - Anglais
Le Capital Project Management pour l'Immobilier et le FM

Introduction ou extrait du livre blanc


In the ever-changing, fast-paced environment of business today, many organisations need to improve efficiency and structure in their processes.

The ultimate goal of any corporate real estate or facility management department is to support the core business. In order to do this, they must maintain a proactive approach to organisational change. This means when new initiatives arise the organisation must be prepared to act quickly and cohesively to plan and implement new projects. In practice, this means more projects for the real estate and facilities teams to manage.

Projects can be small operational projects, such as a relocation, an event, or a minor structural adjustment. But, they can also represent very large investments, such as a renewal of a lease, a sustainability investment, or a large real estate development project. This second category requires capital project management to help the real estate and facility management teams to stay in control."

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