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Top 6 reasons for source-to-pay automation

Grâce à ce livre blanc, améliorez vos processus Source-to-pay et optimisez les résultats de votre équipe achats.

  • EditeurIvalua
  • Version PDF - 23 pages - 2021 - Anglais

Introduction ou extrait du livre blanc

"Manufacturers across industries are consistently charged with reducing costs, introducing product innovation, achieving regulatory compliance, enhancing supplier performance and achieving strategic initiatives. The fundamental challenge is not whether the manufacturer should try to achieve the aforementioned objectives, but how they can most effectively be accomplished. The core solution to this challenge is to optimize the end to end source-to-pay process with a focus on improving speed, efficiency, control, and visibility. Source-to-pay automation offers the finely choreographed solution that manufacturers need to meet their strategic objectives. Through

the elimination of process inefficiencies, reduced reliance on manual systems (such as Excel and Word), and resolution to poor productivity levels, procurement automation can and should be used by manufacturers"

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