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Big Transitions in the Tech Industry

Hired’s 2023 State of Software Engineers.

  • EditeurHired
  • Version PDF - 55 pages - 2023 - Anglais

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"As we reflected on 2022 and the data, so many images came to mind – a rollercoaster, a pendulum, a weathervane, a two-sided coin. It’s been a challenging time for the tech industry.

Despite this, the tech industry unemployment rate continues to improve, dropping from 1.8% in December to 1.5% in January. This rate suggests many laid-off workers were quickly reabsorbed into the workforce and that several of the layoffs in the tech sector are non-technical workers, such as sales, marketing, or support roles. We believe virtually every company, at this point, is a tech company. You may be in healthcare, manufacturing, or hospitality, but as part of this global economy, you have a tech team. We’re faced with a lot of big transitions, but we know software engineers are resilient, adaptable and creative problem-solvers.

Software engineering is an incredible career choice, providing opportunities to touch a multitude of industries and solve big issues. In fact, U.S. News & World Report recently named it #1 in their list of 100 Top Jobs.

We create this report every year to help talent professionals and software engineers understand the hiring climate, as well as what’s top of mind for employers and engineers. It’s part of our vision to make hiring more equitable, efficient, and transparent for all. We’re here to support both employers and jobseekers every step of the way."

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