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Hired's 2023 State of UK Tech Salaries

The last 12 months were dominated by mass layoffs, economic uncertainty, rising living costs, and the surge of artificial intelligence (AI) tools. Fortunately, the UK was less impacted by tech layoffs than the US, but it was still a concern to both hiring managers and jobseekers.

  • EditeurHired
  • Version PDF - 21 pages - 2023 - Français

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"This year felt turbulent, challenging, and full of change. Tech recruitment in 2023 changed dramatically compared to 2022, and the UK market feels especially different to its US and Canadian counterparts. Despite this, the UK tech job industry remained strong and it continues to create its own trends.

This is especially notable when you compare the trend for higher salaries for local roles compared to remote ones, and an overall increase in salaries where they’ve dropped in other locations.

It feels as though UK tech recruitment in 2023 and beyond is more focused, with a drive to fill roles faster — with the right talent ready and waiting in not just London but cities like Leeds, Belfast, and Brighton.

With UK candidates steadily increasing their expected salaries, and demand high in key hubs like London, what does this mean for tech companies in 2024? It’s likely to require a renewed focus on competitive salaries, in-demand benefits, and a more engaging approach to recruitment. In this eBook, we bring you a wide and in-depth look at today's tech hiring environment in the UK. Based on our 2023 State of Tech Salaries report, it features proprietary UK data, as well as the US and Canada, to give you a micro and macro look at tech salaries today.

The next 12 months present exciting opportunities for companies willing to rethink their strategies and enhance their recruitment models to attract and retain the best tech talent. With competition high and salaries on the rise, it’s time to ensure your hiring and employee experience is the best it can be. We’re here to help you find the best talent in a more transparent way, cutting out bias and getting straight to the goal hiring talented people for your team."

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